The Best Budgeting Apps For College Students

The Best Budgeting Apps For College Students

An important part of adulting is learning how to manage your finances and there’s no better time to start than in college. A lot of college students have jobs while they’re in school and try to save money from those jobs, but were never taught how to budget money efficiently. It’s important to know how to budget because it can help you achieve your short, medium, and long-term goals academic and financial goals.

    • Short-term goals:

      • Saving for a trip

      • Paying a credit card bill

      • Paying rent

    • medium-term goals:

      • Saving to pay off student loans

      • Getting a paid internship

    • long-term goals:

      •  Buying a house

      • Saving for retierment


This is why using budgeting and personal financing apps is great when you need help sticking to your goals. These apps will also help you make a budget to prevent you from overspending or help you save for big purchases. Get started managing your money with these helpful budgeting apps:


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

Mint is the budgeting app that I have been using for years and it helped me realized how much money I was spending on things I didn’t need. The overall design of the app is also aesthetically pleasing. Mint allows you to connect your bank accounts to the app to create visual displays of your current finances. It also shows you specifically where your money goes and creates custom budget trackers. 


Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

This app is known to be secure because it requires that all entries are added manually, so there is no need for your bank information. It also allows you to use the app on multiple devices using your Google Drive or Dropbox account. You can see a detailed visual display of the distribution of your money transactions. Monefy also has multi-currency support. 


The best app for zero-based budgeting, the method in which your expenses equal your income. It helps you track your spending and preplan for purchases. You can create a monthly budget tracker in less than 10 minutes to help you achieve your money goals.

Pocket Guard

The free budgeting app for when your want a simplified snapshot of your finances. It allows you to connect your savings, checking, and credit card accounts to help detect income and recurring bills. The app also shows you how to pre-budget your money from your estimated income and how to manage your savings goals. Pocket Gaurd allows you to set limits on custom categories to manage your expenses.