When you can’t afford to pay of their student loans a pratical gift that they will use and love is the next best thing. From skincare to combat the breakouts from stress to Keurig’s to make coffee foe the long night studying, these are some pratcal gift ideas for college students:

Nulaxy Laptop Stand $24
OG Watermelon Faves Set $71
Aerie Softest® Sleep Plush Robe $25
Amazon - Echo Dot (3rd Gen) $40
The Carry-On $225
Portable Charger Power Bank $18
JBL Flip 4 Waterproof Portable Bluetooth Speaker $80
Universal Phone Mount $16.00
Cooluli Mini Beauty Refrigerator $49.95
Keurig K-Mini Coffee Maker $70
Mini Projector $80
LUNA 2 $169
Cards Against Humanity $25